Address: 130 W 7th Street Mt. Carmel, IL 62863
Phone: 618-263-3873
Wabash County Health Department is located at 130 West Seventh Street in Mt. Carmel, IL. We serve Wabash County and surrounding area infants, children and adults with both preventive and primary health care services and programming. We provide a full spectrum of health services including immunizations, WIC, infectious disease investigation and follow-up, Family Case Management services and Reproductive Health services. The Prevention Division covers Public Health Emergency Planning, Environmental Health, Health Education, and the All Our Kids Early Childhood Program.
In addition to our Public Health work, we have collaborated with Wabash General Hospital to form the Wabash Community Health Center at 1123 N. Chestnut, Mount Carmel, IL. Our Behavior Health Division has been joined by Primary Care and Psychiatric Services at that location to become a Federally Qualified Health Center.
The Wabash County Health Department has faced many changes in the past several years and has endured unprecedented strain on the Public Health system, but we have come out on the other side stronger and wiser. The twenty-four employees of the Wabash County Health Department are committed to providing effective, efficient services to our community while remaining fiscally stable. We are proud to Promote Lifelong Health and Wellness Close to Home.