Address: 120 W 4th Street Mt. Carmel, IL 62863


Phone: 618-262-2706

The Sheriff’s Office provides law enforcement services to the entire county, including but not limited to Allendale, Bellmont, Cowling, Keensburg, Patton, Lancaster, and Rochester. Additionally, the Sheriff’s Office operates the Wabash County Jail which houses pre-trial detainees for Wabash County and the Mt. Carmel Police Department. The jail has the capability of housing 21 persons, both male and female.

Another aspect of the Sheriff’s Office is serving the civil process. These are a wide range of legal summons or orders distributed from the court. The Sheriff’s Office is also responsible for court security. The Sheriff’s Office is comprised of the Sheriff, four patrol deputies, Jail Administrator, four corrections officers, an administrative assistant, full-time custodian, and a court security officer.

Something new to the Sheriff’s Office is Community Service. The office is responsible for assigning and overseeing persons court ordered to community service. If your agency or business could provide an assignment for community service, contact James Sullivan at 618-262-2706. The Sheriff’s Office also provides an outlet for unused/unwanted prescription medications in the lobby of the office. The Sheriff’s Office also participates in community events when able, providing educational material to the public and especially the children of the county.

Sheriff Morgan brings 20 years of experience to the Sheriff’s Office serving both as a Deputy and now Sheriff, being elected in 2014, 2018, and 2022. Morgan serves as the 14th Sheriff (since 1928) in his constitutional role as the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of Wabash County.
