Address: 217 W 3rd Street Mt. Carmel, IL 62863
Phone: 618-262-2677
Safe Haven is an organization brought to our community by local pastors belonging to the Ministerial Alliance. Once the idea came about it took two years of praying, planning and working to reach accomplishment. In August of 2015 the shelter began operation 24 hours a day/365 days a year.
Safe Haven it a temporary shelter for homeless women and children in the Wabash, Edwards, Wayne, White, Lawrence and Gibson county. All intakes are by appointment only.
The staff and volunteers at Safe Haven make it top priority to treat all who receive help with dignity and respect. The shelter offers spiritual, physical and emotional support while living in a safe environment. Our goal is to help women transition to self-efficiency. Safe Haven uses resources within the community to provide women and children with services such as counseling, parenting classes and support groups. We also help locate resources that help with items such as food, formula, diapers, etc. Safe Haven is here to help women and women with children set goals for themselves while standing by them until those goals are reached.
The shelter is always accepting donations from the community to “help them help others.”. Current donation needs are listed on their website: safehavenhomelessshelter.com. Immediate and ongoing needs are updated on the website under the donation section (Amazon wish lists). Safe Haven is always grateful for any and all monetary donations as well. The community is invited to go to the website or call the shelter anytime to inquire about becoming a volunteer, current “needs list” or to make an appointment to drop off donations. Volunteers are needed for 2 hours shifts in the front office during day and evening hours 7 days a week.
This is a wonderful organization providing a great service to our community! If you or someone you know is in need of assistance or you are looking to get involved in something great, give Safe Haven a call, visit their website or visit them on Facebook today!