Address: Newburgh, IN 47630
Phone: 812-430-5635
R3 Renewables is committed to developing and building grid-scale reliable renewable generation. State-of-the-art solar and storage technology allows us to repurpose the land previously used for coal mining to deliver clean and reliable power. We are committed to helping local communities thrive by creating jobs, adding to the tax base, and revitalizing the land for a bright energy future.
With over 8 million acres of land previously disturbed by surface mining across the U.S., our approach enables our solar+storage projects to replace retiring utility generation units with clean, reliable power, reduce the impact to the area’s best soils, add to the tax base, create new jobs, and support coal communities.
R3 Renewables is developing the R3 Friendsville project in Wabash County, Illinois. The proposed project is a 770 megawatt project located primarily on reclaimed mine land around the REO Friendsville mine. R3 Friendsville will produce significant annual tax revenue, create new jobs, and increase business activity among local businesses and service providers. R3 Friendsville is in early-stage development with target commercial operations in 2026.
For any questions, please contact R3’s Outreach Manager and Community Liaison for Wabash County, Logan Meneely. He can be reached at LMeneely@R3Renewables.com or by cell at 812.430.5635.