Address: Mt. Carmel, IL 62863
The first Grand Lodge was founded only a few years after George I, the first Hanoverian king of the Kingdom of Great Britain, ascended to the throne in August 1714 and the end of the first Jacobite rising of 1715. Officially, the Grand Lodge was founded on 24 June 1717, St. John the Baptist’s day, when four existing Lodges gathered at the Goose and Gridiron ale house in St Paul’s churchyard, London and constituted themselves as a Grand Lodge. It is this date which is often cited as the ‘founding’ day of Freemasonry in its modern sense.
The Mt. Carmel Masonic Lodge was chartered on 10/07/1857 by the Grand Lodge of Illinois, Mt. Carmel Lodge #239 A.F. & A.M. in Mt. Carmel, Illinois is part of District 011-S. The Masonic lodge is a local organization of the Masonic fraternity. It operates under a charter from the grand lodge. The lodge has three functions: to provide opportunities for friendship, self improvement, and charitable giving.